

If one puts the name Stoerkel onto various websites which provide a German-wide distribution of names, the picture shown below is a typical result. The observed frequency has its maximum in the Rhine-Main area.


From my perspective, that does not mean that "we" live here since ever and that there would be no other families with any relation to our family but living in different regions of Germany. The distribution here simply shows that the development towards our name "Stoerkel" might have a regional background. As it is obvious by reading the church books of Erbstadt, our family name used to be slightly different before. Potentially, also the way the respective priests had written the names of their community members in earlier centuries may play a role.


Now it would be interesting to know the original family name which has developed to Sterkell and then to Stoerkel and which other family names which are known today have the same origin. But as I am also not an expert in language development, I will refrain from speculating here.


But something which would be definitely interesting to know is the question if and how the Erbstadt-Storkels are related to the Stoerkels from the Taunus area around Neu-Anspach and Usingen. I am particularly curious because I have a very nice colleague, named Stoerkel, who has his roots there. So far, our common efforts did not result in any connection. A reason for this is the fact that most church books started just in the 17th century. The first ancestor of my friend as listed in the church books of Eschbach/Taunus is born in the year 1665. If there would be a connection, it must be from the time before. However, it is interesting and worth to mention that also there the names Johann and Peter appear very frequently over there.



Another interesting fact: on several ancestry sites on the internet there are family trees of Americans with names that are close to our family name. Sometimes there are references to the area or town of origin of the earliest immigrants  which are not in accordance to today´s distribution.


In the USA, the distribution of our family name for the time about 100 years ago (which probably better displays where Stoerkels had settled as a map of today) is as shown in the maps below:



Obviously, we also have relatives in France. The map below shows the time period of 1966 to 1990. However, the distribution for earlier times (1891 to 1915) is very similar. Mostly, Stoerkels can be found in the Alsace.

Those Stoerkels from the Alsace are pretty good documented in terms of genealogy.(see "", author J. Eickhoff-Koberg). At least the early Alsatian Stoerkels are located in the villages Ribeauville and Bergheim, close to the town Colmar. However, also in the Alsace the church books started in the same time period as in Hesse. Therefore, also here no connections to Erbstadt can be identified so far (as it is the case for potential connections to the Stoerkels from Neu-Anspach/Usingen). The first mentioned Stoerkel in the Alsace is Franz, born in November 1667.