Church books Eichen and Erbstadt
"Everything" is documented here. Once I had the pleasure to hold them in my hands and to read in these very old books. In the meantime, there is a website ( on which many German church books can be studied. The two villages, Erbstadt and Eichen obviously shared since "ever" the priest. The first church book was a joint one with entries for both communities, later on they had separate books.
Wolfgang Zeihe: Namen, Familien, Schicksale in Eichen und Erbstadt (1957)
Wolfgang Zeihe was priest in Eichen and Erbstadt. In the 1950s, he did the efforts to explore the relationships and the history of all families from both villages.
Interesting what he wrote about the Stoerkel family:
Although the many identical first names (in 1842, Johannes the 10th, a 38 year old tailor died) provided some worries to the author, it is now possible, without too much speculation, to bring order into the various families. Now it would be possible to present the history of the Stoerkel families almost without any gaps. However, for the sake of simplicity, this should happen here as brief as possible.
If he would published this in a complete manner, I would have had much less trouble. However, I would have had also much less fun. The book of Zeihe had been the guideline for my family tree. In each case of doubt, I took his representation. I am sure that he was much better in reading and interpreting the old-style entries.
Erschter Geschichtsbuch (2012)
The book was published in the context of the 775th anniversary of the first time that Erbstadt was mentioned. Personally, I find this book (partly written by non professional authors) outstanding.
Karl Stoerkel – personal notes (1956)
Unfortunately, I never met my grandfather. My father had always told me that we would have had a lot of fun together. So we would have also shared the hobby of ancestry. Karl had listed his line of ancestors and he had also written the history of our property.
Starkel family
The descendants of Daniel Stoerkel who emigrated in 1837 have documented their family history after their arrival in America.
Various persons who have placed their family tree on the internet have, at least, some touch points with the Stoerkel-Erbstadt family tree. However, I failed in most cases to contact these persons because they only provided their "usernames". Maybe I get via this website in contact with people like "ktsauer", steffreedusa1" or others.....
Die Bauernanatomie
No "Stoerkels" are mentioned explicitly here, but the farmers of the villages Eichen and Erbstadt of the 17th century are described here by a priest.
For most of his life, Aegidius Henning was priest in little villages at the countryside. He was not really satisfied with that. In contrast, he was hoping to climb the social ladder, but he had to spend his life with the farmers. He had described this in a few books. "Die Bauernanatomie" is the most famous one and it was re-published in 2010. It is an interesting fact that, by accident, the probably only priest who had written books about the farmers and other countryside people lived in Eichen and Erbstadt at that time. I took his description about the not always nice people of the little villages also as description of my personal forefathers.